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Monday, January 16, 2012

Pillowcase Dressy

I picked up this pillowcase at a thrift store 2 years ago. (I actually got 2 of them for $1)

The grey fabric just really popped out at me. I envisioned a dress right from the beginning. Now, mind you, I have three boys. Just who was I going to make a dress for? Well the right time arrived. My niece, Grace, turns 3 on the 30th of this month.

Now trying to be true to my WORD of the year, I pulled out the pillowcase and dove right in. It's a good thing my wonderful mother was there to coach me, because it has been at least 15 years since I have done any sewing.

So here we go. I folded the pillowcase in half.

These are my cuts.

I did not use the middle section, but in its place I added a strip of very cute fabric, and a zipper in the back. Since I haven't sewn in quite some time, I got carried away during the process and did not take many pictures once I started sewing. Here it is in the end.

I followed another tutorial for these cute fabric flowers. You can find it here.

Not perfect, but pretty cute I think. Happy Sewing!

I am linking up:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Word of the Year

My Word of the Year

I have read about this word of the year thing and have thought a lot about it. I was talking with a friend a couple of weeks ago and this is a word she mentioned. Since that day I can't seem to get that word off my mind.


For me this will take on meaning in every aspect of my life. To begin with my walk with God, the most important relationship I have. I want to have discipline to keep my daily devotion and prayer time with Him.

Discipline to eat healthier, drink more water, and exercise.

Discipline to finish things that I start. (boy does that ever include a lot of things) I have tons of projects around that house just waiting to be finished. I would like to do more crafts and post them on this blog.

Discipline to be a better wife,

and discipline to be a better mom to those that I love the most.

I once heard a quote, not sure who wrote it but none the less it is pretty awesome.

"The smallest good deed is greater than the grandest of good intentions."

Wow, if I could just keep that in mind. I have a whole lot of good intentions I just can't seem to get them accomplished. So what good did it do me or anyone else? Absolutely nothing. So discipline is deffinetley what I need.

What's your word of the year?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Swivel Sweeper G2

I saw this nifty little sweeper advertised on tv the other day and I knew I needed to try it out. I picked mine up from a local store in town "Freds" for $24. I brought it straight home and started charging the battery. I can tell you I don't regret buying this thing.
My couches and tv stand do not go all the way to the floor. We also have hardwood floors so you can see every little dust bunny there is. This little sweeper lies flat and picks up all those little dust bunnies. I just have to say I am thrilled with the way this thing works. I have tried it out also on our little throw rugs. I don't think this will take the place of my other vacum on deep clean days but it sure is a handy sweeper for all my quick cleaning days which seem to be most days. My boys even like to do the cleaning for me if they can use this little guy. I haven't checked yet but I bet you can buy this at Bed Bath & Beyond and use a 20% off coupon. Head on over and check em' out.